The construction of Padma Bridge is considered to be the most challenging construction project in the history of Bangladesh.
the number of world records is three
The first is about the piling of the bridge. Steel piles have been placed at a maximum depth of 122 meters under the pillars of the Padma Bridge. These piles have a radius of three meters.
No bridge in the world has yet required such deep piling and no thick piles have been laid, the engineers said.
The second record is earthquake bearing-related. The capacity of ‘Fractional Pendulum Bearings’ on this bridge is 10,000 tons. So far no bridge has been fitted with bearings of such capacity. The Padma Bridge is being built to resist a magnitude 9 earthquake.
The third record is related to river training related. A 1.10 billion USD contract has been signed with Chinese contractor Sinohydro Corporation for river training.
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