Hawa (transl. Wind) is a Bangladeshi mystery-drama film written and directed by Mejbaur Rahman Sumon. The film is produced by Facecard Productions and Sun Music & Motion Pictures Limited. The film stars Chanchal Chowdhury, Nazifa Tushi, Sariful Razz, Sumon Anowar, Shohel Mondol, Nasir Uddin Khan, and Rizvi Rizu among others.
A movie with admirable cinematography and color grading. Acting of Chanchal and Nasir dialogue and background music are also admirable. It is the most talked film of Bangladesh cinema in 2022. Hawa has grossed an estimated US$213,461 (Rs 2.035 crore) in the United States and Canada as of 6 September 2022, making it the 27th film on the US chart. It is a revolutionary movie in Bangladesh movie industry
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